Analysis of the reflectance and appearance of the object
In making digital archives of images and their contents, the demand for photorealistic 3D models built using real objects or photographs is growing. 3D modeling consists of two parts : geometric modeling and reflectance modeling. We introduce our research about the automation of the geometric, and reflectance modeling in this research area.

Geometric and Reflectance modeling

We use a 3D measurement system which consists of a camera and projector. Using the systems, color images and range images can be obtained. By using the images, we can estimate the object's albedo precisely.

The 3D measurement system:
We use the 3D measurement system that is developed in our laboratry . Multiple images are taken as the object is rotating on a special rotation table. The images are then automaticaly aligned to contruct the entire shape using LED markers on the rotation table.

The 3D measurement system

The captured color images

The obtained 3D data by measurement

problem: simple integration of textures resulted in discontinuities between textures.

solution:Removing highlight and shading effects & alpha blending

Removing highlight and shading effects
We estimate Lambertian parameters using geometric and color information

Alpha blending When only using diffuse parameters , discontinuities may occur when integrating textures because of the influence of the estimation errors. To reduce these discontinuities , we blend textures using weighted alpha values that we set small at the 3D edges.

Result of Integration

Rendered Image by using a software         Click here to download a movie(m1v)

Kawasaki Laboratory